Zia’s Story Received Four Stars from CM Reviews

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CM Reviews has listed Tradewind’s title Zia’s Story as out of their highly recommended reads.

Written by Shahnaz Qayumi, Zia’s Story is set in Afghanistan in the late 1980s, a country in the midst of civil war and experiencing difficult changes under the Taliban law. When Zia’s father is arrested, he is left as the ‘man of the house’, in a country that no longer allows women to work, or girls to go to school.

As the reviewer Aileen Wortley writes, this impactful story, “is an eye-opening and worthwhile title that will provide children aged 9-12 with much food for thought.” Wortley goes on to note that, Zia’s Story, “would be a welcome addition for schools and public libraries. Kazemi’s somber illustrations reflect the mood of the story and are rich in detail.”

To learn more about Zia’s Story click here.

Read the full review here.