Maison Rouge: Memories of a Childhood in War

Maison Rouge: Memories of a Childhood in War

Series: Memoir
Tag: All books
Publisher: Tradewind
ISBN: 9781926890302
About the Book

Liliane Leila Juma was 16 years old when her family home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was destroyed by rebel soldiers.

In this gut-wrenching memoir, she gives an account of her life before and after her family was torn apart by the twin nightmares of civil war and invasion. Sincere and revealing, it gives a moving account of a young girl’s journey from a protected and secure family life, through a series of brutal conflicts that saw her father murdered and her former life utterly destroyed.

Maison Rouge is a story of war, and unspeakable loss. It is also the story of survival. Eventually, through the United Nations refugee program, Leila and her family were finally able to relocate to Canada.

With an introduction by Kambale Musavuli, Spokesperson, Friends of the Congo.

Praise for Maison Rouge: Memories of a Childhood in War:

“Leolina’s voice is that of a young person communicating to a similarly aged readership. This straightforward approach makes her experiences, unimaginable to some, feel very vivid and lived. . . .(She) uses her voice to navigate conflict and convey hope to others still struggling, while also educating those lucky enough to not have to face the same kind of turmoil.”  – Quill & Quire

“Neither boastfulness nor bitterness shadows Juma’s narrative as she describes her family’s comfortable prewar status and subsequent losses. In a dignified tone, she narrates her personal grief—a friend taken as a child soldier, the death of her beloved father, and the bombing of her childhood home, Maison Rouge. A thoughtful, moving story of loss and triumph.”   – Kirkus Reviews

About the Author
Liliane Leila Juma

Leila grew up in Uvira, a city in the western Congo on the shore of Lake Tanganyika near the border with Burundi. She now lives in Vancouver, where she works as a Women’s Support Worker. She is fluent in three languages—Swahili, French, and English.