Roy & Slavia Miki

Roy Miki’s book of poetry, Surrender, won the Governor General’s Award for Poetry. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a Member of the Order of British Columbia.
Slavia Miki is a life coach and studied feng shui under the late Henry Dorst. She earned her teacher’s licence in ikebana while living in Tokyo.

Mariko Ando was born and raised in Osaka, Japan. She is an artist and illustrator and has exhibited widely in Japan and Canada. Her work has garnered much critical acclaim. She has lived in Vancouver for many years.

Dolphin SOS

Dolphin SOS


Rights sold to Korea.

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Peggy’s Impossible Tale

Peggy’s Impossible Tale


“My name is Peggy and I am a guinea pig. You may wonder why a guinea pig would write her autobiography, but when you hear of my remarkable adventures, I’m sure you’ll see why.”

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