

Series: Young Adult
Publisher: Tradewind Books
Publication Year: September 2010
ASIN: 1896580017
ISBN: 9781896580012
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About the Book

Roxy is a tale of secrets and lies, sex and death. Sent to Greece on a mission of mercy to meet her estranged grandfather, Roxy uncovers the truth about her family—and must unravel the longtime consequences of a tragic love story. At the same time she has a secret of her own, and must deal with her strong feelings for the far-too-good-looking Giorgio. This is a riveting mystery with a tough yet vulnerable narrator.

About the Author
PJ Reece

is a former filmmaker who has been a professional writer for the last twenty years. PJ divides his time between Vancouver and Mexico. Wherever he is, you can catch him on his blog at

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