

Series: Young Adult Novel
Tag: All books
Publisher: Tradewind Books
Publication Year: February 2014
ISBN: 9781896580951
About the Book

After losing her parents, 14-year-old Victoria and her young twin brothers move in with their aunt. But shortly afterward, her aunt’s boyfriend attempts to assault her, and she runs away and learns to survive on the dangerous streets of Paraná, Argentina. Encountering a world of street kids, gangs and drug dealers, Victoria overcomes deprivation and great hardship. With the help of newly found friends and her single-minded determination to survive, she carves out a new life for herself and her little brothers.

Victoria alada – Tras dejar un hogar terriblemente problemático, Victoria pasa a ser una más de las innumerables adolescentes que viven en las calles de Latinoamérica. Vendiendo flores, lavando autos y limpiando cafés, se las arregla para sobrevivir. Solo su fuerza de voluntad por forjarse una vida digna para ella y sus hermanos menores puede salvarla de la indigencia y la violencia.

Praise for Victoria:

“Goldemberg’s … hard-hitting plot moves quickly. There’s no authorial moralizing; readers must find their own message.” — Resource Links

“Argentinean-born writer Goldemberg captures the colorful and dangerous atmosphere of street life in Paraná, Argentina, in this story of grace under pressure.” — Publisher’s Weekly

About the Translator:

The translator, Emilie Smith, is an Argentine-born writer and theologian. She has published several books for children. She is an Anglican priest working in the Diocese of New Westminster, BC.

About the Author
Silvana Goldemberg

was born and raised in Argentina. She is the author of more than twenty books published in Spanish and English, and leader of creative writing workshops for all ages since 1992. She lives in Port Moody, B.C.